Marriage Pressure

My parents have been on my back about getting married for the last five years you would think that I was about 50 years old and a spinster living in a one-bedroom flat surrounded by cats. The reality as as being a charlotte London escorts my life is the total opposite I’m 25 years old I live in a two bedroom flat in London with no cats and a thriving career at charlotte London escorts.  

No I get it when my parents are my age they had been married for a good few years and my mum was pregnant with my older sister that was traditionally acceptable and expected from my family however I just don’t agree with that one tradition. Be married at 20 years old is way too young as far as I’m concerned. Don’t get me wrong if you actually meet the man of your dreams and you know that if he is the right one for you then by all means get married 20 but if you’re not even sure that you’re ready to date a man let alone live with one and can meet yourself to one I don’t see why you should be pushed into it.  

Right now I’m really loving my life I have a fantastic job at London escorts I get to socialise and go out on the most amazing dates and be arm candy to some of the richest men in London. I get to hang out with my girlfriends from London escort who are like-minded carefree and who just want to live the best life. Right now I have no time or space to be thinking about marriage and children and settling down. The thought of all of that right now makes me feel sick and restrictive and Costa phobic.  

But like typical traditional parents they have no idea how pushy they can be. It’s not come to the point where I actually avoid them and avoid their phone calls. I even have a quick reply text telling them that I’m at work whenever they call. The girls at London escort say that they’re just being loving parents and they just want what they feel is best for me. But that’s the problem they only want what they feel is good for me not what they actually can see is good for me. With the last 18 to 20 months of this pandemic what I have realised the most is that you only have one life and I don’t intend on living a life led by others. I want to lead a life of my own and make my own mistakes and celebrate in my own successes. I love my parents to pieces but they need to understand and respect that I am not a traditional young lady hello one day I will get married to man I am madly in love with. And whether that be at the age of 25, 35 or even 85 I will do it when I’m ready.

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